Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dealing With Women's Mixed Signals

One of the many challenges that men face when it comes to dating is dealing with the mixed signals that a woman sends or seems to be sending. For example, one minute, she acts as if she wants to be with you. The next minute she acts as if she barely knows you. So, what’s really behind the mixed signals? The 5 tips listed below should help with how mixed signals should be taken from women:

1. Make sure you just aren't missing the point

There are many times when the signal is very clear, but you are trying to read more into it than what is really there. If a woman smiles at you, don’t assume that she's into you or that she wants you to ask her out on a date. People smile at one another all the time. Be sure you know whether it’s just her personality showing through or if there is actually a message being given.

2. Maybe she's just extremely nice

There are some women who are just extremely polite and pay lots of compliments to those around them. Some guys read this as flirting and then wonder why nothing ever came out of it. Pay attention to how she behaves around other people. She might be this polite to everyone, not just you. And maybe you are mistaking her being nice as one of the signs that she's interested in you.

3. She doesn't want a serious relationship
A woman who is interested in you might be very friendly to you at one point, touch you while talking to you and begin coming onto you pretty strong and just when you think everything is perfect, she fizzles out. What does it mean? What did you do wrong? Nothing! She was probably just not interested in a serious relationship.

4. She's confused

It’s very hard to know how to read women’s mixed signals when they are just as confused as you are. Sometimes a woman is confused about what she wants; but as a man, how long do you wait around for her to figure it out? It’s a thin line between a woman being confused and her stringing you along, so make it your business to find out early on, which is which. Your feelings will thank you in the long run.

5. Some women do it just for attention

Some women send mixed signals because they enjoy the attention they get from men when they flirt, play with her hair or do other things that make them look approachable and suggest that they might be interested in a guy, even if they are not. This gives them reassurance that they are attractive, wanted, and can get any guy if they want to.

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