Sunday, August 23, 2009

4 Ways To Keep Mystery In Your Dating

Why is mystery such a key element in attracting women? It's simple. If they don't know much about you, they will spend time thinking about who you are, what you do, what you're like, and so on. And the more time women spend thinking of you, the more attracted they'll become to you. There are many ways to be mysterious and attractive, a few of which are detailed below:

1. Leave out the details

The problem with telling a woman too much up front is that a man will lose the mystique behind his character, which is one of the key elements to keeping a woman interested in you. When talking to women, be less forthcoming with details about your life upfront so you can give room for eager surprises later on.

2. Conduct interviews with women

On each date you have, keep the conversation going, but ask the woman more questions than you answer. You will remain mysterious as long as she keeps talking. Simply respond to the things your date asks you about, and then return the focus of the conversation back to her.

3. Never talk about the past

Don't bring up your ex during a conversation or talk about the fiance who left you. Furthermore, don't talk about your gay aunt, your sister's five children, or your mother's gambling addiction. Keep the past in the past.

4. Be knowledgeable on a lot of things

If your interests are too pinned down in one specific area, a woman will be able to read you like a book. So when a woman figures she knows you, surprise her by showing off your skills at something she’d never think you’d be good at. Doing this will keep her guessing, and thus intrigued.

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